Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Lingerie Dropshipper

[ Guangzhou, China ] Dropship Lingerie Dropshipper is a Manufacturer

Founded in November 1999, our company is a professional manufacturer and dropshipper of fashion garments. We are specialized in producing sexy lingerie, sexy costume and accessories which contain all time famous designs. Our company supplies to global markets and we have been a reliable and trusted supplier for many sexy lingerie retailers around the world. We are able to produce high quality lingerie at extremely attractive pricing. Our company produces about 100000 pieces of products per month. We export our products to US, UK, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan and the Middle East.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Manufacturer, Drop Shipper [Guangzhou, China, est. 1999]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Lingerie, Basques & Corsets, Dropship Nightwear & Lingerie
Sexy lingerie series, baby dolls, corsets and bustiers, garter sets, chemises, teddy collections, camisoles, sexy match sets, long gowns and robes, plus size lingeries, plus size costumes, contemporary swimwear, stylish swimwear, couple sets, lovers couple sets, club wears, sexy lounge wears, wall street platinums, sexy vinyl styles, PVC leathers, sexy PVC leather sets, costumes, Christmas costume

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