Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Furniture Dropshipper

[ Ningbo, China ] Dropship Furniture Dropshipper is a Trading Company

Established in 2005, we are a professional manufacturer and trader of wooden toys. Our company has received ICTI and FSC certificates. We offer products such as games, musical toys, dolls, puzzles, role plays, chess, furniture, stationary items and card board puzzles. Our company products are exported to North America, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and South America.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Trading Company, Drop Shipper [Ningbo, China, est. 2005]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Furniture, Dropship Books, Music & DVDs, Dropship Educational Toys & Board Games
Carvings, games, musical toys, dolls, puzzles, role plays, chess, furniture, stationary items, card board puzzles, learning & painting items, beads

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Available to premium buyers (General Manager)

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