Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Dvd Players Dropshipper

[ Shenzhen, China ] Dropship Dvd Players Dropshipper is a Wholesaler

Our company is a wholesaler and dropshipper of electronic products and accessories. We cover an area of 75,000 square meters. Our company believes that customer services is our key work and consistently try to exceed client expectations. We currently offer dropshipping on most of our products. Please contact us for details (dropshipping information currently unavailable on our website).

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Wholesaler, Drop Shipper [Shenzhen, China]
Industry Focus:
Dropship DVD Players, DVD Players, Memory Sticks & Cards
Electronic products & accessories such as mobile phones & accessories, tablet PCs, MP3, MP4 & MP5 players, GPS navigation, analog watches, jewelry products, car electronic products, DVD players, eBook readers, games & PC accessories, memory cards
Brands Distributed:
otorola, Blackberry, HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE, Palme, Del

Contact Details:

Contact Person:

Available to premium buyers (Administrative)

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