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"... Love Esources ... just what I needed ... vast amount of suppliers ..."
Joanne Purtill Keven Lodge, ** Station Road, Countesthorpe, Leicestershire LE8 5TA
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Roger Butterworth ** Arlington Crescent, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 6BH
"... I've found esources to be invaluable ..."
Amanda Rees ** Park Hill, Moseley, Birmingham, West Midlands B13 8DU
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Jose Maria Montero Uruguay
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Shammas Raza ** Caledonia Road, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 3JP
"... very pleased ... have picked up new suppliers who have replied immediately ... A great tool to have. THANK YOU ..."
Jan Pearse ** Fieldfare Avenue, Portishead, Bristol, Avon BS20 7NL
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Cheryl Roy ** North Marches, Anstruther, Fife KY10 3YN
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Mrs L Holmes Sp***ey Lodge, Co*** Road, Butterley, Ripley, Derbyshire D** 3*U
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Claiment Pambu *** Upper Tollington Park, London N4 4ND
"... best thing since sliced bread ..."
Dave Tizzard ** Holmes Hill Road, Bristol, Avon BS5 7HJ
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Anthony Hamber *** Nutcroft Road, London SE15 1AG
"... the best thing that I have come across in years ... The number one contact for anyone in ecommerce ..."
Nigel Jones * Mill Farm, Heathfield, Tredegar, Gwent NP22 4JP
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Matilda Mack ** Mountain Rd, Eden Hills, South Australia 5050, Australia
"... helped me a lot ... really good ..."
Roman Tsertkov **** Etiwanda Ave, Rancho Cucamonga, 91739 USA
"... I found your service very helpful ... I will be using this service all the time come the New Year. Most inspirational thanks again ..."
Sally Willink ** Vale View Drive Beech Hill, Reading Berks, Berkshire RG7 2BD
"... you have just saved me a fortune on the costs of my summer stock ... I found what I needed very quickly and a good number of new lines too ... very happy ..."
Jay Lockwood Vic***ia Plaza, 3* C****well Sq, Southend On Sea, Essex SS* 5*P
"... support team were fantastic ... Never though I could achieve so much ... Many thanks ..."
Peter Rouse ** Nene Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk, PE36 5BZ
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Daniel Garcia ****co Porto *-*B, Pontevedra, Spain 36***
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Mally Speck * Park Avenue, Barton On Humber, Lincolnshire DN18 5DN
"... very good service ... very happy ..."
Marcus Ellis *, Wal*** Clough Road, Golcar, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire HD* 4*N
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