Wholesale Supplier

Cabinets, Chests and Sideboards Trade Supplier

[ Wallingford, United States ] Cabinets, Chests and Sideboards Trade Supplier is classed as Other Type

We are a supplier and drop shipper cabinetry appliances. We offer a wide range of products such as door styles, finishes, base cabinets, appliance cabinets, wall cabinets, kitchen carts, kitchen countertops, hoods and steel floating shelves.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Trade Supplier, Drop Shipper [Wallingford, United States]
Industry Focus:
Cabinets, Chests & Sideboards, Bookcases & Shelving, Dropship Kitchen Appliances
Door styles, finishes, base cabinets, appliance cabinets, wall cabinets, specialty cabinets, grill cabinets, stainless steel base cabinets, cooking appliances & amenities, kitchen bar & fridge amenities, kitchen carts, kitchen countertops, hoods & steel floating shelves

Contact Person:

Available to premium buyers (Sales)

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