Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Outdoor and Garden Furniture Dropshipper

[ San Francisco, United States ] Dropship Outdoor and Garden Furniture Dropshipper is an Importer

Since 1993 we have worked in partnership with Filippino artisans to design and import home and garden furniture and accessories. We specialize in creating products that can fold flat for efficient shipping and easy storage. All of our products are made from recycled iron and natural fibers.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Importer, Drop Shipper [San Francisco, United States]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Outdoor & Garden Furniture, Dropship Furniture Parts & Accessories, Dropship Home & Garden
Garden furnitures, bistro sets, bar stools, bar tables, side tables, garden benches, woven patio furns, planters, plant shelves, garden torches, candle holders, wicker storages, wicker dressers, wicker filings, backers racks, wine cages, shelving units, display stands, display glasses, room dividers, hampers, umbrella stands, and cd racks.

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