Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Lingerie Dropshipper

[ Blakely, United States ] Dropship Lingerie Dropshipper is a Wholesaler

It does not matter if you are a brick and mortar, internet based business or home based business you will benefit greatly with our drop ship program. We only charge for the handling fee on all orders drop shipped but the fee is per order charge and not per item charge. We could also include any other type of stuffers in the package such as promotions or holiday sales flyers. Your turnaround time is 24 hours from the time we receive the order. This is a big plus for your customer knowing that if time is an issue they can receive their order within a day or so depending on the FedEx shipping option.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Wholesaler, Drop Shipper [Blakely, United States]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Lingerie, Dropship Adult Toys & Erotic Clothing, Costumes & Party
Bras, panties, babydolls, bikinis, g-strings, thongs, stockings, hosiery, leather lingerie, maids outfit, school girl costume, military costume, police costume, uniform costume, pirates costume, librarian costumes, firewomans costume, sailor costumes, teacher costumes, nun costumes, flight attendant costumes and nurses costumes.

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Available to premium buyers (Sales)

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