Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Electric Toys Dropshipper

[ Chaiwan, Hong Kong Sar ] Dropship Electric Toys Dropshipper is a Manufacturer

Established in 1987, we are a professional manufacture of electronic plastic toys. Our company operate from an area of about 26000 square meters and employ more than 1200 workers. We have received ISO9001 and ICTI certificates. Our company offers various products such as walkie talkies, battery operated toys, baby monitors, radio control toys, outdoor toys and play sets. We manufacture products according to EN71, ASTM, EMC, FCC, EN62115, WEEE and RoHS standards. Our company has flexible manufacturing capability which satisfies our customers and keeps long terms relationship with clients.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Manufacturer, Drop Shipper [Chaiwan, Hong Kong Sar, est. 1987]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Electric Toys, Dropship Outdoor Toys, Dropship Toys & Games
Walkie talkies, battery operated toys, baby monitors, radio control toys, outdoor toys, play sets

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