Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Bedroom Furniture Dropshipper

[ Old Forge, United States ] Dropship Bedroom Furniture Dropshipper is a Wholesaler

Founded in 1985, we started building lift chairs, which are reclining chairs that have an electrical mechanism that slowly lifts the user up and out of the chair, or helps them lower into the chair. Today our company currently manufactures four different product lines: scooters, power chairs, luxury beds and lift chairs. We now occupy a 122,000 square-foot manufacturing plant and employ 160 people in research and development, production, sales, and customer service.

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Business Type:
Wholesaler, Drop Shipper [Old Forge, United States]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Bedroom Furniture, Dropship Outdoor Products, Dropship Electrical
Traditional series lift chairs, signature series lift chairs, comforter series lift chairs, value series lift chairs, maxicomfort series lift chairs, foldable electric wheelchairs, center drive wheelchairs, rear drive wheelchairs, heavy duty wheelchairs, adjustable beds, compact travel scooters, medium portable scooters and heavy duty scooters.

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