Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Handbags, Wallets and Purses Dropshipper

[ Fayetteville, United States ] Dropship Handbags, Wallets and Purses Dropshipper is a Manufacturer

We are a professional manufacturer and dropshipper of wallets, handbags, scarves and flat wallets. Our company stocks an extensive range, giving our customers real choice and value. We have a highly innovative team ensuring all the latest technological changes are complemented by suitable accessories. Our staff consists of a team of dedicated people that take immense pride in their work. We currently offer dropshipping on most of our products. Please contact us for details (dropshipping information currently unavailable on our website).

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Manufacturer, Drop Shipper [Fayetteville, United States]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Handbags, Wallets & Purses, Dropship Photo & Accessories, Dropship Bags & Leather Goods
Wallets, tote handbags, scarf, flat wallets, football handbags, cell phone cases, PVC wrist bags, denim wallets, college handbags, fashion handbags
Brands Distributed:
Daia, Sandol, Yima

Contact Details:

Contact Person:

Available to premium buyers (Administrative)

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