Wholesale Supplier

Dropship Outdoor and Garden Furniture Dropshipper

[ Lethbridge, Ab, Canada ] Dropship Outdoor and Garden Furniture Dropshipper is a Manufacturer

Our company specializes in interior grown western red cedar that is hand produced for patio furniture. Orders addressed to continental United States, Canada and Mexico are shipped UPS ground and take between 6 to 9 buisness days to arrive. We will replace any parts that are found defective within 15 days of purchase. If you are not happy with your purchase or need to return it for any reason, please fill a return form. We will make arrangements to exchange, replace, or accept your return for a full refund on the original amount of the purchase price less shipping.

Please quote eSources UK when contacting us.

Business Type:
Manufacturer, Drop Shipper [Lethbridge, Ab, Canada]
Industry Focus:
Dropship Outdoor & Garden Furniture, Tables & Desks, Chairs & Stools
Ottoman sets, side tables, athena rockers, oval picnic sets, picnic tablet sets, 5pc market table sets, cedar arm chairs, garden benches, cedar gliders, loveseats, porch swings, garden swings, patio screen panels, garden arbors, wishing wells, potting tables, potting benches, pagoda arbors, quarter benches, picnic benches, cedar foot rests, planter boxes, and cedar bird houses.

View all Products Featured Products from this Wholesale Dropship Outdoor & Garden Furniture Manufacturer

Garden Bench

Cedar Bird Loft

Cedar Bird House

Planter Box

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