UK B2B Trade Portal

Top of page What is the supplier contact profile?

The supplier contact profile is the contact information displayed in your company profile page. As a supplier, your contact profile is created automatically when you register on eSources. It includes the name and surname of your company's contact person, your company name, and your contact details. If you are registered as a basic supplier only the name and surname of your company's contact person and your company name are displayed, and you can only be contacted by registered members via email. When you register as a premium supplier, your full contact profile is displayed publicly, and you can be contacted by both registered and non-registered members.

Top of page How do I edit my supplier contact profile?

To edit your supplier contact profile go to your My eSources Account and click on the Edit My Profile link in the left menu. Edit your contact information and click the Update button at the end of the form. Your edited contact profile will be updated immediately.

Top of page Why am I unable to edit my company name?

For security reasons you cannot edit your company name directly from your My eSources Account. To change your registered company name please contact us specifying the reasons for the change.

Top of page How do I maximise the number of buyer enquiries and orders I receive?

To maximise the number of buyer enquiries and orders you receive, below are some recommendations:

  • Check your email frequently and reply to enquiries on time;
  • Send detailed replies, ensuring you respond to every query raised by the buyer;
  • Keep your contact profile up to date;
  • Upgrade to premium membership and extend or renew your premium membership regularly. The longer you are a premium supplier, the better you rank in our suppliers directory and search;
  • List new products regularly, and keep your existing products up to date;
  • Contact us to find out about additional premium services (TradePass™ Members Only).

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